KYo Florida Warehouse Facility

KYo Group / KYo Florida Warehouse Facility

KYo Florida Warehouse Facility

Florida USA Warehouse And Address
All Business and Personal customer accounts will have their USA packages and cargo sent to our KYo Florida Warehouse Facility as our main USA receiving facility. This also includes a Florida USA Warehouse address for you to use.


KYo Caribbean
KYO Caribbean through our KYo Florida Warehouse Facility organizes the reception of cargo in the US, its identification, accounting, storage and consolidation for further shipment to the end customer in one of the following locations.
• Barbados
• Trinidad and Tobago
• Guyana
• Antigua and Barbuda
• The Bahamas
• Dominica
• Grenada
• Saint Lucia
• Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


KYo Exports
This Florida warehouse facility will also play a pivotal role with the launch of KYo Exports in 2024, allowing KYo Exports to consolidate small shipments from Jamaica to Florida. From here we will arrange last mile delivery across the USA as a one stop shipping and delivery facility and service.


Monitor, Track and Manage
All Business and Personal customer accounts shipping through our KYo Florida Warehouse Facility will be able to monitor and track their packages from the point of entry in our facility to point of shipment and last mile delivery in the Caribbean.

Our Kanal software and system will trigger warehouse notifications for package check-ins and departures, keeping you updated on every movement of your packages.


Custom Field

Duis dolor est


May 18, 2016




Address, Florida, Kanal Software Warehouse Interface., KYo, KYo Caribbean, KYo Exports, USA, Warehouse