
KYo Group / ZipGo


ZipGo is our turn-key Rideshare And Last Mile Delivery Application that will locate and dispatch a nearby Zipgo Vehicles to a user while acting as a real-time payment gateway and automated dispatch management for drivers.

Users will be able to request a taxi and track their clearly marked taxi arriving to their exact location in real-time. Users will also be able to rest assured ZipGo’s drivers undergo rigorous criteria to be selected. Drivers will feel safe knowing that the patrons have created a ZipGo account with their verified banking information for guaranteed income. They will also have the advantage of using the ZipGo app as a fare and trip calculator that e-transfer their fare commissions right to their bank account via payment gateway.

The ZipGo will be launching in 5 parishes: Kingston, St.Catherine, Manchester, St. Ann and St.James. Each parish is broken up into fare zones categorised by population density. The app will utilise a custom-built algorithm that factors the zone and distance of each fare to determine the price. Average service capacity will vary depending on the number of ZipGo drivers available, with maximum capacity, therefore, being limited to the total possible drivers.